Most of the babies come into the world knowing how to be breast-fed. If you get them anywhere close, they nuzzle, get attached, and suck away.Feeding her baby is a lifetime experience for a woman and there is no substitute for the mother's milk to the child. This is one of the most beautiful periods in the life for both the mother and child where the bond for each other develops.

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Anemia is a condition in the body when supply of iron to bone marrow falls short of that required for the production of red blood cells. It is the commonest cause of Anemia throughout the world. Menstruation, pregnancy, parturition and lactation are some of the reasons for women to become anemic. Even inadequate dietary intake due to poor economic reasons is also responsible for the causes of anemia.

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Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women. Breast cancer mostly occurs in women over the age of 50, and the risk is especially high for women over age 60. There are many factors for developing breast cancers. However, the exact cause is not known. Women who have had breast cancer face an increased risk of getting breast cancer in their other breast.

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Female Sexual dysfunction is an age-related, progressive and highly prevalent problem affecting nearly 30-50 percent of women globally. The causes of female sexual dysfunction are poorly defined. The reason for this is perhaps because sexual intercourse or stimulation is an act that involves many systems to function in harmony for it to reach the stage of orgasm.

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Ovulation is the time when an egg or ova is released by a women's Ovary. The egg travels through Fallopian tubes and if a sperm from the male is also present in the tube, fertilization of the egg occurs and a woman conceives. Once released, the egg can survive for up to 24 hours. The hormone responsible for release of the egg is called 'Luteinising Hormone' and is produced by the brain

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